
College Students

As you continue toward your college degree, there’s probably a lot on your mind. We want to make sure you are aware of important requirements that you must meet to keep your Oklahoma’s Promise award in college.

Important Information for Students Receiving the OKPromise Scholarship (PDF, 67k)

All College Students

All Oklahoma’s Promise students in college must meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements set by the college. If you become ineligible for federal financial aid (like Pell grants or student loans) for failure to make SAP, you will also not receive Oklahoma’s Promise. This requirement applies to all Oklahoma's Promise students, even if the student is not currently receiving federal financial aid and regardless of the year the student started college. The SAP requirements include minimum GPA standards and minimum standards for completing courses in which the student enrolls. If you are not familiar with the SAP requirements at your college or you have specific questions, please contact the financial aid office for more details.

Read the details of the requirements in the FAQ for college students. The FAQ includes additional helpful information as well.

Second Income Limit
Oklahoma's Promise students are subject to a second income limit and must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year in college. The information from the FAFSA is used to determine whether or not the federal adjusted gross income (AGI) of the student’s parents exceeds $100,000 (the income limit will apply to the student’s income if the student is officially determined to be financially independent of his or her parents).

For any year that the income reported on the student’s current FAFSA exceeds $100,000, the student will not be eligible to receive the OK Promise benefit. Any year that the student does not receive the award because their income exceeds the income limit will count toward the five-year period of scholarship eligibility.

Remedial Coursework Not Covered
The OK Promise award will not be allowed for payment of noncredit remedial courses.

Maximum Limit on Total Hours Paid by OK Promise
OK Promise students may not receive total award payments for more than 129 semester credit hours during their five years of scholarship eligibility, unless their degree program requires more hours.

Have you moved or changed schools since you enrolled in Oklahoma’s Promise? Do you have a new phone number or email address?

Email or call us at 800.858.1840 to update your contact information.